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V. 1.30.0 | 2023-10-02

Climate Compensations

  • Added Climate compensations management (P-468)
  • Added system settings to set the price for every ton divided per currency (P-468)
  • Added company settings to set how many tons every amount of 1000 divided per currency (P-468)
  • Added view for system admin to see climate compensations list and a view for the details for a single compensation, compensations are inserted with status “Created”, but in detail view we could change the status (P-468)
  • Added possibility to add new status to compensation status (taken from enumerations table) (P-468)
  • Added for quickpayment and checkout, in payment view, possibility to climate compensate the purchase selecting the percent that we want to add (default is 100% that is the amount relative to the tons per 1000, possibility to compensate from 0% to 200%) (P-468)
  • Added for quickpayment and checkout, in payment view, possibility to save the card also with the percent set for a future usage (P-468)
  • Added in checkout client page possibility to set a percent for a card for a future usage (P-468)
    Now, if API pass both customer and card, if the card have a percent for climate compensate, automatically apply this compensation to the purchase (P-468)




Filters & Order

  • Put in evidence which column could be orderable (P-515)