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V. 1.18.0 | 2023-04-18

Stripe Connect Custom

  • onboarding tutorial for new companies with a welcome page (P-347)
  • pricelist fee for Stripe Connect Custom (P-364)


  • possibility to select business/personal card on the payment screen and apply associated fee if present in pricelist (standard for old and new card is personal) (P-367)

System Admin

  • in System Admin → Data Management → Companies → Settings, there are now tabs to select to either view a settings tab or a graphs tab: in graphs tab, you can view the graphs just like the dashboard of selected company (now without filter, only showing current month) (P-361)

Company Admin

  • company admin: you can now select the company payment method directly from Company Admin → Settings → Payment Methods (if you select Paiwise Standard it automatically deactivates Paiwise Default, that includes Swish Payment….so, with Paiwise Standard, if you also want Swish Payment have to activate it separately) (P-363)
  • in Company Admin → Settings → Payment Methods,  Paiwise Standard Agreement is now a link to complete the stripe connect custom onboarding to create a stripe connect account for an existing company. And if it’s already created a link to the company stripe connect custom dashboard.

Terminal Payment

  • waiting page for a payment: when waiting for a payment display a new screen that have info about the payment and “Cancel payment” button and a countdown for payment expiration (P-366)
  • filters in Terminal and Terminal Payment view, there is a cog to select which fields to show in Terminal Payment view (P-366)

Checkout API

  • added “allowSaveCard” field as boolean optional (default true → default can save card) to permit a user whether or not to save the card used in a payment (P-370)


  • Stripe Payment creation of payment intent only when pressing pay (this limit a lot the numbers of Stripe payment intent created)
  • Swish Payment removed Stripe payment intent creation
  • Pricelist Group fixed “i” button to get popup info of pricelist included
  •  Pricelist group fixed “delete” button
  • Terminal creation trapped Stripe error to avoid system crash
  • Pricelist fixed minor errors
  • Stripe Terminal Payment fixed send email when done a payment
  • Stripe Connect Custom, when creating a new stripe connected account if the company did not have a digital account with the same currency it creates one automatically.
  • Stripe Connect Custom, at the end of the agreement process if the account have a valid representative the account is  automatically approved. If not, the company has to add a representative in the stripe connect custom dashboard and then be approved by an admin.