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Release notes

Paiwise release notes.

V. 1.42.0 | 2024-04-29

Neuro-Pay (Beta) Implemented function to integrate new API, right now visible as an added pa...

V. 1.41.4 | 2024-04-18

Payout details Added details info to payout details table (NEUROP-650) Quickpayment and C...

V. 1.41.3 | 2024-04-17

Redesign payment view Adapted the checkout design to work better in iframes (NEUROP-663)

V. 1.41.2 | 2024-04-16

Fundraising payment problems Added pills that show if a fundraiser have been created in tyest ...

V. 1.41.1 | 2024-04-15

Redesign Payment UI Fixed payment problems when not logged (NEUROP-634)

V. 1.41.0 | 2024-04-15

Redesign Payment UI Changed UI for all payment that comes from a link (Checkout, QuickPayment,...

V. 1.40.6 | 2024-04-09

Paiwise Fee Fixed fee calculation problems when have pricelist with a brand specified that is ...

V. 1.40.5 | 2024-04-02

Stripe Billing Details Fixed billing details in case no holder specified (NEUROP-642)   ...

V. 1.40.4 | 2024-03-27

Swish payment Fixed Swish payment: changed return value of create function in SwishControlle...

V. 1.40.3 | 2024-03-21

Stripe Payout Fixed Stripe payout view in case have terminal payment (NEUROP-637)

V. 1.40.2 | 2024-03-20

Pricelist Added in create/edit possibility to specify if the pricelist is for a single curre...

V. 1.40.1 | 2024-03-18

Stripe Webhook Added a button in System Admin Company Settings to sync payment when have Neu...

V. 1.40.0 | 2024-03-18

Payout Row Added more info about quickpayment and checkout included in a payout row (NEUROP-...

V. 1.39.2 | 2024-03-06

Fundraising module Always show continue button in project view but disabled if not have amou...

V. 1.39.1 | 2024-03-04

Stripe Webhook Fixed problems with webhook for some cards (NEUROP-620) Digital Account ...

V. 1.39.0 | 2024-03-04

Digital Account Fixed problems that create digital account twice if accidentally double click ...

V. 1.38.0 | 2024-02-19

Checkout Client Fixed issue that save card anyway with climate compensation if have a payment ...

V. 1.37.2 | 2024-02-16

Checkout Fixed problems when have no customer (NEUROP-610)

V. 1.37.1 | 2024-02-14

Checkout Client Fixed problems doing payment without saving card that anyway saved the used ca...

V. 1.37.0 | 2024-02-05

Payout Added date from and date to in payout table (NEUROP-600) Added filters for the added f...

V. 1.36.1 | 2024-02-01

Payout data import from Stripe Fixed way to import payout and payout rows data from Stripe (NE...

V. 1.36.0 | 2024-01-22

Payout Row Added payout date in payout details view table (NEUROP-562) Added info button to v...

V. 1.35.7 | 2024-01-10

Payment Methods API Changed response for /payment/available-sell-payment-method when API key s...

V. 1.35.6 | 2024-01-05

Account View (NEUROP-587)

V. 1.35.5 | 2024-01-04

Swish (NEUROP-585)

V. 1.35.4 | 2023-12-19

Info Modal Fixed problems that doesn't permit to see an info modal twice without a previous pa...

V. 1.35.3 | 2023-12-18

Checkout Added api_key_id field to checkout table (NEUROP-578) Associate checkout with api ke...

V. 1.35.2 | 2023-12-14

Checkout Client Fixed problems with email message when add if add fails

V. 1.35.1 | 2023-12-12

Clipcards Changed way to save clipcard plans and clipcard: now associated to the company (NEUR...

V. 1.35.0 | 2023-12-11

Swish settings UI Changed UI for Swish certificate upload: now the process is in 2 steps  (NEU...

V. 1.34.2 | 2023-11-30

Customer Statistics Chart Fixed "Total Fee" value in customer statistics charts (NEUROP-563)

V. 1.34.1 | 2023-11-29

Checkout and Quickpayment details Removed template from details view because crash the showing...

V. 1.34.0 | 2023-11-27

Payout View Added company name to "Affiliate Fee" to recognize from whom have been done the fe...

V. 1.33.5 | 2023-11-23

Swish payment Added in company settings -> payment methods the filed "Payee Alias" when input ...

V. 1.33.4 | 2023-11-21

Auth Page Changed characters size and fixed elements positions (NEUROP-549) Checkout and Qu...

V. 1.33.3 | 2023-11-17

Refund modal view Fixed the issue that doesn't permit to load javascript update when the scrip...

V. 1.33.2 | 2023-11-17

Invoice for client Fixed "an internal server error occured" when send an invoice if missing in...

V. 1.33.1 | 2023-11-15

Invoice for client Created API EPs for create/update/retrieve/list (see Neuro-Pay Invoice API ...

V. 1.33.0 | 2023-11-13

Checkout Client Added button to synchronize card list and payment method with ones presents in...

V. 1.32.0 | 2023-10-30

Checkout Client Added webhooks for checkout client cards (create/delete/modify) (P-536) Aut...

V. 1.31.4 | 2023-10-24

Checkout Fixed problems whith 3DS cards (P-533) Fixed NeuroPay receipts if capture is false (...

V. 1.31.3 | 2023-10-23

Checkout Client Fixed problems when a client have more than 60/70 cards Fixed API and Backend...

V. 1.31.2 | 2023-10-17

Checkout Clients Fixed filters problems for last card changes (P-525)   Product Fixed c...

V. 1.31.1 | 2023-10-17

Checkout Clients Fixed problems entering in page when client doesn't have cards

V. 1.31.0 | 2023-10-16

Checkout Clients Added last card changes date to client list view (P-524) Added possibility t...

V. 1.30.1 | 2023-10-02

Climate Compensations Fixed problems when entering without any value before in System Admin Se...

V. 1.30.0 | 2023-10-02

Climate Compensations Added Climate compensations management (P-468) Added system settings to...

V. 1.29.3 | 2023-09-22

WebShop  Fixed frontend problems when go back in browser from checkout page (returns to shop...

V. 1.29.2 | 2023-09-22

Api Key Fixed problem "An internal server error occurred" entering the page

V. 1.29.1 | 2023-09-20

Company Admin -> Users Fixed problems with the "eye" link that point to a wrong user (P-517) ...

V. 1.29.0 | 2023-09-18

Payment Notification Added settings for the company to select to whom send notifications when ...

V. 1.28.0 | 2023-09-04

Membership Added a button above system admin company view to export all membership data in JSO...

V. 1.27.6 | 2023-08-30

Backend/Cronjob Fixed problems in expired membership cronjob when have payment with end_period...

V. 1.27.5 | 2023-08-29

Frontend Added parameters to "params" and "domainParams" to customize billing view and choose ...

V. 1.27.4 | 2023-08-28

Payments Webhook Added support for terminalPayment to Stripe webhook (P-494) Fixed terminal p...

V. 1.27.3 | 2023-08-28

Frontend Fixed various view to show 2 decimal places in prices and correct symbol position Co...

V. 1.27.2 | 2023-08-22

Payment Fixed problems with duplicate Swish buttons in Frontend

V. 1.27.1 | 2023-08-21

Filters Fixed problems with payouts when System Admin

V. 1.27.0 | 2023-08-21

Company Turnover Added possibility to view statistic table also per chosen filters (P-346) Ad...

V. 1.26.1 | 2023-08-17

Webshop Added parameter "home_url" in domainParams (Creturner) to fix page link when clickin...

V. 1.26.0 | 2023-08-07

Export CSV/XLS Fixed export for CSV: divided field with amount (amount, price, balance, fee, e...

V. 1.25.2 | 2023-08-03

Frontend Membership Added possibility to renew a membership even if its status is "ended" (P-4...

V. 1.25.1 | 2023-07-25

Neuro-Pay menu Renamed Payouts menu to Neuro-Pay ( (P-480) Added Payment Intents to Neuro-Pay...

V. 1.25.0 | 2023-07-24

Affiliate Fee Added possibility to out a fixed amount for the affiliate fee that can be config...

V. 1.24.2 | 2023-07-12

Affiliate Fee Fixed affiliate fee when the payment is Neuro-Pay Standard (P-473) Corrects val...

V. 1.24.1 | 2023-07-10

Neuro-Bot Created menu entry for Neuro-Bot management (both for Company and System Admin) (P-4...

V. 1.24.0 | 2023-07-10

Onboarding Fixed problems updating company details without logo (P-455) Added restrictions fo...

V. 1.23.3 | 2023-07-07

Stripe Connect payouts Fixed problems in stripe_payout_row table to fully show the payout rows...

V. 1.23.2 | 2023-06-28

Checkout Client Fixed problems when go to a checkout client page and the linkhash has been del...

V. 1.23.1 | 2023-06-26

Login Fixed problems when log in without a compnay or with only 1 company with pending KYC ...

V. 1.23.0 | 2023-06-26

Neuro-Pay Payouts Fixed payout table in NeuroPay menu: now shows correctly also the identifier...

V. 1.22.6 | 2023-06-21

Terminal Payments Fixed problems when creating payments in different browser Fixed check for ...

V. 1.22.5 | 2023-06-20

Onboarding Fixed company module relation creation Fixed color when in light mode Fixed compa...

V. 1.22.4 | 2023-06-19

Checkout Fixed checkout problems of "Internal Server Error" Fixed way to save card type and u...

V. 1.22.3 | 2023-06-15

Checkout Fixed send mail when add/delete card when payment method is worldline

V. 1.22.2 | 2023-06-15

Frontend Fixed "Internal server error" problem when trying to buy a membership Fixed Swish pa...

V. 1.22.1 | 2023-06-13

General Changed message “Swish Client” with “Swish” Payments Fixed checkout problems w...

V. 1.22.0 | 2023-06-12

General Changed message “Neuro-Admin standard” with “Neuro-Pay” (P-432)   Terminal Adde...

V. 1.21.4 | 2023-06-08

Invoice Changed data for the invoice footer Changed logo dimension for payment view Webs...

V. 1.21.3 | 2023-06-05

Frontend webshop mail issue Fixed problems with mail (now the text is with parameters, before ...

V. 1.21.2 | 2023-06-01

Frontend webshop issue Added rounds up when editing quantity Added possibility of multi produ...

V. 1.21.1 | 2023-05-31

Frontend webshop Created possibility to sell product without category and with partial sales (...

V. 1.21.0 | 2023-05-29

Worldline payment Added Worldline payment method with all functionality (P-342) Management of...

V. 1.20.3 | 2023-05-26

Customer add card Due to issues when moving customers from Paiwise Default to Paiwise standard...

V. 1.20.2 | 2023-05-18

Payment Fixes Fixed fee problems when have payment with Stripe Connect Custom Fixed problems ...

V. 1.20.1 | 2023-05-15

Fixes Added info when creating payment with Paiwise Standard to see more info in modal view R...

V. 1.20.0 | 2023-05-15

​ Paiwise Standard dashboard     • Added cache Paiwise Standard Dashboard payout & payment inten...

V. 1.19.4 | 2023-05-11

Kiosk Order Fixed Swish payment in frontend   Terminal Payment Fixed problems saving mo...

V. 1.19.3 | 2023-05-09

Paiwise Standard Clone Customer Activate Customer Clone when changing payment method between P...

V. 1.19.2 | 2023-04-05

Paiwise Default Save Card Fixed problems when saving a card during a payment with Paiwise Defa...

V. 1.19.1 | 2023-05-02

System Admin Company Settings Fixed problems in transactions table that crash system if have a...

V. 1.19.0 | 2023-05-02

​ Subscription and Clip Card     • Added swedPay and Stripe Connect custom payment methods    • ...

V. 1.18.3 | 2023-04-26

KYC Stripe Connect Custom Fixed enum problems (causing "An internal server error occurred." wh...

V. 1.18.2 | 2023-04-24

Kiosk Fixed Swish payment in Kiosk Order Fixed amount charged in account when have a payment

V. 1.18.1 | 2023-04-18

Company Settings Added card type to checkout/client page Payment   Fixed Stripe...

V. 1.18.0 | 2023-04-18

Stripe Connect Custom onboarding tutorial for new companies with a welcome page (P-347) price...