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Create [POST] [POST]

identifier (optional) String Identifier of the checkout, if not passed the cid will get as reference
amount int Smallest nominee for the currency. Example: 30SEK is 3000 öre so value of this param should be 3000
currency String EUR, SEK, USD… etc
message String Message to be shown to customer in the checkout
capture (optional)
Boolean (default: true) If capture is set to false, a manual capture has to be done later. In order to release the funds back to the client the Refund endpoint can be used.
allowSaveCard (optional) Boolean (default: true) If allowSaveCard is set to false, the user can't save the card in his card list for future usage.
returnUrl String URL where the customer should be returned to after checkout process is done.
returnUrlCancel String URL where the customer should be returned to if cancelling the checkout process
customer_id (optional) String If present activate the possibility to save the card during the payment
card_id (optional) String If present (customer_id required) do an automatic payment
template (optional)
For now only can be "iframe" which removes background image
metaData Array Key value pair array to store additional data together with the payment.
